Why Supplements?
Supplements can be very helpful for individuals who are lacking these and need to get their levels right. Most vitamins and minerals that are essential for the body can be given through your diet, but some people may need more than that, and that is why they need to take supplements. Everyone is different, and what one person may benefit from taking, another person may not need to take. It is best to know which supplements you need before taking them. According to the CDC, most Americans do not meet their nutrient needs by diet alone.
NAC is a supplement that may help seasonal allergies. It can be a better and healthier option than antihistamines. NAC helps respiratory issues and congestion by thinning mucus. It can also be helpful for the liver.

Magnesium is one of the most important supplements that you can take. According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 75% of Americans don't meet the recommended intake and are even more deficient in magnesium if they eat a high processed diet, diabetes, drink a lot of alcohol or are deficient in vitamin D. There are many benefits to taking magnesium and can help with regulating blood sugar, blood pressure, it can help anxiety, it is good for muscles and people with diabetes.
Vitamin D

So many of us do not get the proper amount of vitamin D that is needed. Vitamin D is essential for us and when our vitamin D is low we feel sluggish, tired and can even have muscle weakness.
Fish Oil

Fish oil supplements give the body omega-3 fatty acids. This is important for fighting inflammation, regulating blood pressure, immune function, and mood.

A multivitamin is a very popular and important supplement for many people in making sure we are getting the vitamins we need. It is easier for a lot of people to take one multivitamin instead of taking multiple different vitamins.

Probiotics are needed for your gut health. Our gut has "good" and "bad" bacteria, and probiotics help feed the good backteria. Gut health is a big factor in our health and how we feel. If we have a bad gut, it could cause illnesses.